Books open up an entire world of stories, imagination, and wonder! Reading adds value to life, exercises the brain, and hones a child’s critical thinking abilities, which is why we emphasize inculcating reading habits in our children. Our Library Programme encourages inquisitiveness in children and has been designed to meticulously ingrain reading habits in them by exposing them to a wide range of genres, allowing them to experience each in a balance and discover their favorite. Through various interesting follow-up activities, fun sheets, narration, bookmark making, poster making, and various competitions, the child is hooked to reading more and more, hence he learns to express critically what he has comprehended.
A well-stacked and well-stocked library is at the disposal of students. Different sections are made in which all types of books are available to the student, be it reference books, fiction, journals, magazines etc. Students get the best possible equipment to work with and are also given ample opportunities for the same.
Our library is a specific reference area for all the teachers and students which works as a learning resource center in the widest sense. The libraries have open bookshelves for easy access.
For the junior section, the library has a wide variety of colorful books to attract the young readers and satisfy their curiosity. The senior section, library, boasts a wide variety of subject related reference books together with fiction and non-fiction.